Growing up, I was out of control. Nothing like an ADHD diagnosis was known at the time. I was branded a Knucklehead. A bad kid - with bad parents.
Along my journey, I have found fullness of life, ways to thrive, and tactics to compensate for my neurodiversity and mental health challenges. But still there are days getting out of bed is a challenge. I have tried to turn my challenges into superpowers whenever possible. It's "Captain Knucklehead" now (though I will spare everyone the tights).
I am keeping my life vital through my "senior" years teaching business at my local community college. I have found my tribe!
Among my varied students is a sizeable, intelligent and motivated group who, like fish being asked to climb trees, have never quite fit in. They know they are smart, but they do not fit into the rigid expectations of our traditional education systems. And they are giving it one last go.I am working towards learning and innovating to better identify, encourage, and enable these students to grow and contribute to the fullest of their dreams and capabilities.
Robin Williams
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